It takes a long time to grow young

This is my daughter – Stephanie Hart’s HSC Visual Arts Major Work. This work was exhibited in Art Express 2014 at The Armory, Sydney Olympic Park – a curated selection of outstanding student artworks.

Artist Statement:
My work is an exploration of memory, childhood, and innocence. I’ve drawn on family members and memorabilia to create this work, with a particular focus on my mothers wedding dress. I like the idea of childhood being simplistic yet still fascinating and have drawn on simple activities that create immense joy. I’ve then contrasted this to my more mature grandparents who have experienced life. The work also looks at aspects that create an individuals identity and links these ideas to family lineage.

From the Art Express catalogue:

My work explores ideas of memory and family lineage. I began experimenting with images of children being children then juxtaposed these with more mature images of my grandparents. I was drawn to explore how the passage of time changes us, yet we are still recognisable. I then brought in historical photos of my Gran and her siblings when they were children, and my mother’s wedding dress to instil a sense of authenticity. I also chose to include elements of identity by incorporating factors like nationality, childhood artefacts and even biological identifiers such as fingerprints and brain patterns

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